Thursday, March 31, 2011

My time with you

I’m 28 years old, yet I was born yesterday,
I remember the first words you spoke,
the look in your eyes,
the feel of your touch,
the eagerness I feel when I’m with you,
I will never forget your easy smile,
your loving voice,
the way you would look at me,
I can still hear the concern in your voice,
the caring and gentleness of your words,
I still feel your strong body,
your soft hair, your warm touch,
now, I am old,
I awake every morning just to see you,
I cherish every moment we share together,
and on the day we can no longer be as one,
my heart will surely die,
if it were not for the joy and happiness of loving you,
I would have never existed at all.

rainy days with you

The soft patter of rain on a tin roof
As I lay in your arms
My head resting on your chest,
You softly stroking my back
Listening to the sounds as the day quietly ends.

The loud clap of thunder
Your heart beating in my ear
Your warm body under mine
Your soft touch as we caress

The bright flashes of lightening
Reaching across the evening sky
Lighting up the room
Shadowing your face
Your soft eyes staring into the night
Your strong chest raising and falling under me 
your soft calloused hands gently hold me close
As we drift into the night
In each others arms
Happy just being together 
As one.

Blizzard of my love

The beauty of the pure white snow,
The bitter winds of winter,
The nakedness of the bare trees,
The loneliness of nature,
as the heavy snow keeps everyone inside,
We share love and tenderness,
Keeping warm in each others arms,
Lying naked close to the fire,
Holding, kissing, eagerly touching,
A desire so strong no words can explain,
A desire that lasts all night long.

One Day

Watching the raindrops fall,
The sweet smell of the summer rain,
The thunder and lightning,
Raindrops on the window pane,
The cool breeze, blowing through the window,
Through my hair as I watch the rain,
The sun peeking through the clouds,
Making rainbows, the beauty of nature all around
But, for the place I stay is only a few yards away,
Feelings of the people inside,
No caring, no love, nobody looking for tomorrow,
For tomorrow is just another day,
No joy, no happiness, all feelings locked inside,
Hidden from the world, for nobody to see,
Yet, one day I will be free,
Free to live, to find joy and happiness,
And a special someone to love, to care for,
Whom will love and care for me in return,
Someone who is beautiful inside and out,
Who will show their feelings and emotions,
One day I will live my life and be me,
So special.
         So caring,
                               So happy and free,
                                                            One day.

Nature and Natural

The cool spring wind, blowing through the trees,
The soft splashes of a distant stream,
The sweet songs the birds sing,
The constant chatter the squirrels bring,

The rich green grass, the trees full of leaves,
A cool fresh stream, air so fresh and clean,

The puffy white clouds, the deep blue sky,
A doe leaping, a hoot owl sleeping,

You sitting behind me, whispering in my ear,
Holding me close, looking, watching,
Waiting to see,

Excited, yet relaxed and comfortable,
You kiss my neck, I rub your arm,
While you hold my back to your chest,
We watch as time goes on,

As I look up into your eyes,
I feel the joy and happiness of being close to you,
It feels so right, with your eyes so bright,

You are my true friend, my lover,
And so very much more,
It was just meant to be,
Both for you and for me.

A World Within It’s Self

In a world unlike no other,
We find ourselves brought together,
In this world of stone and steel,
Very few people can love and feel,
Growing colder each passing day,
To them there is no other way,
Keeping their hurt and pain inside,
Trying to forget the world outside,
In this world we’ve found each other,
Can find no way to be together,
The little time that we find,
We try and get a peace of mind,
Wanting to hold and softly touch,
This seems to be asking too much,
So, we continue to dream and desire,
Hiding a passion that burns like fire,
We find some time to sit, to talk,
Sometimes we take a walk,
This is time we could spare,
In this time we could share,
These are things we’ll not forget,
Like the first time we met,
These are feelings from the heart,
But the time has come for us to part.


A love so special nothing can compare,
The sweet touch when I would fall,
The gentle kiss to chase away the pain,
The warm hugs to dry my tears,
The loving security whenever she was near,
Now, I feel the loneliness, the emptiness,
Even after a year,
Now there are no more tears,
But, the pain’s still there,
For her there’s no more hurt and pain,
No more worries, no suffering,
Her life’s complete,
But, the memories of her will live on,
The sweet memories, of the good times,
Of the fun and laughter,
The caring and sharing of everyday of her life,
These memories will last forever,
But, for now I must go on,
I will always remember and cherish the love we had,
For this love nothing can compare,
This love I will hold in my heart and soul,
This love will last forever
In the hearts and souls of so many,
My mom will live forever in our memories.

A Place, A Time, This Moment

The blue green waters,
The cool breeze,
The deep blue sky,
The sounds of water splashing on the rocks,
The smell of the salty sea air,
A place for you and me,

The steady sounds of your breathing,
As I lean back against your warm hard chest,
Having your strong arms protect me, comfort me,
Making me feel secure,
A time for you and me,

The loving moments where time stands still,
Wishing it would last forever,
But forever is impossible,
For time is continuously moving,
Life constantly changing,
If it were possible, any way at all,
I would spend my life in your arms,
At this moment in time,
For the rest of my life,
Just you and me.

Waiting For The Day

Today another friend has passed,
His pain and suffering has ended,
Yet, I’m still here, waiting, wondering,
when is it to be my turn,
The waiting stays on my mind,
The wondering, will I suffer,
I don’t know, I don’t want to die,
But, every time I turn I see
Someone that could be me,
Yet, I’m still here, happy, but afraid,
Sometimes I think I’m going crazy,
Waiting, fighting, surviving,
Many people have gone, some of them friends,
And I remember each and every one of them,
But, will my day come, will it be quick or slow,
This nobody knows,
And with each passing day,
I know there is a chance,
That my day will, never come,
And I’ll live until I’m old and gray,
One day we will all be saved, one day soon.

In memory of Mary Ann Greer 8-4-67/8-31-99